Chris Landreth

Chris Landreth was a postgraduate student in engineering in the United States with few options for employment He could work for the American military because no one else could utilize his talents or find work in some unrelated field What he decided to do was move to Canada Here he found his way to AliasWavefront in Toronto Within a year he was working on emthe endem the sevenminute wonder which was nominated for an Academy Award in the animated short film category His Oscarwinning animated short emRyanem is based on the life of Ryan Larkin a Canadian animator who produced some of the most influential animated films of his time Chris Landreths filmography begins with his credits as an animatorbrbrAlso see a hrefhttpwwwnorthernstarscachrislandrethprofileChris Landreth A profileabrAlso see a hrefhttpwwwnorthernstarscamemoriesofoscarJim Sloteks Memories of Oscarabrbrbr

Features & TV Movies

Features & TV Movies:
VR indicates Direct-to-Video Release

the end (1995)
Bingo (1998)

Ryan (2004)

Credits as a Director:
the end (1995)
Bingo (1998)

Ryan (2004)

The Spine (2009)
Subconscious Password (2013)
Naked Island – Be Cool (2017)

Credits as a Screenwriter:
the end (1995)
Bingo (1998)

The Spine (2009)

Subconscious Password (2013)
Naked Island – Be Cool (2017)