Chloé Robichaud

Chlo Robichaud graduated from Concordia Universitys Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema in 2010 Her short emChef de meuteem Herd Leader screened at Cannes and the Toronto International Film Festival in 2012 emSarah prfre la courseem was her first feature film These are her credits as a Directorbrbrbr

Features & TV Movies

Features & TV Movies:
VR indicates Direct-to-Video Release

Au revoir Timothy (2009, short)

Nature morte (2010, short)
Moi non plus (2010, short)
Chef de meute (2012, short)
Sarah préfère la course (2013)
Pays (aka Boundaries, 2016)

Les jours heureux (aka Days of Happiness, 2023)

TV Series – at least 1 episode of:
Féminin/Féminin (2014, 2016)
Street Legal (2019)

Credits as a Screenwriter:
Au revoir Timothy (2009, short)

Nature morte (2010, short)
Moi non plus (2010, short)
Chef de meute (2012, short)
Sarah préfère la course (2013)
Pays (aka Boundaries, 2016)

Les jours heureux (aka Days of Happiness, 2023)

TV Series:
Féminin/Féminin (2014, 2016, 2018)
Trop (2018)