Granby, Québec
Gilles Carle was born in Maniwaki Qubec and grew up in Abitibi In 1940 he moved to Montreal to study drawing at the cole des BeauxArts McGill University and the Universit de Montral and worked as a graphic artist from 1955 to 1960 at RadioCanada before joining the National Film Board as a researcher in 1960 He quickly became interested in directing and worked on a number of shorts His first feature iLa vie heureuse de Leopold Zi reached a wide audience in Quebec His passion for cinema spawned a decadeslong career that produced 30 works running the gamut from fiction to documentary and television specials The themes of his films often touched on sexuality and the trials of everyday peoplebrbrLearn more about a hrefcarlegillesbioGilles CarlesabrAlso see a hrefhttpswwwnorthernstarscathemythofnightmagicThe Myth of Night Magicabrbr
Features & TV Movies:
VR indicates Direct-to-Video Release
Manger (1961)
Dimanche d’Amérique (1961)
Patinoire (1962)
Natation (1963)
Patte mouillée (1963)
Un air de famille (1964)
Solange dans nos campagnes (1964)
Percé on the Rocks (1964)
La vie heureuse de Leopold Z. (1965)
Le viol d’une jeune fille douce (1968)
Red (1969)
Stéréo (1970)
Les mâles (1970)
Un hiver brulant (1971)
La vraie nature de Bernadette (1972)
La mort d’un bucheron (1973)
Les corps céleste (1973)
La tete de Normande St-Onge (1975)
Les chevaux ont-ils des ailes (1975)
A Thousand Moons (1976)
L’ âge de la machine (1977)
L’ange et la femme (1977)
Fantastica (1980)
Les Plouffe (aka The Plouffe Family, 1981)
Jouer sa vie (aka The Great Chess Movie, 1982)
Maria Chapdelaine (1983)
O Picasso (1985)
Le Diable d’Amérique (1990)
La Postière (aka, The Postmistress, 1993)
The Other Side of the Law (1994)
Blood of the Hunter (1995)
Pudding chomeur (1996)
Moi, j’me fais mon cinéma (1999)
TV Series – at least 1 episode of:
La crime de d’Ovide Plouffe (1984)
Northernstars.ca is published by the Canadian Independent Visual
and Digital Media Association – A nonprofit corporation.
Toronto, Ontario, M4X 1X7
First published as Northernstars.net February 1, 1998
ISSN 2563 4895