Kuujjuaq, Québec
JeanClaude Lauzon died when a small plane he was piloting crashed when he was returning from a remote fishing trip in the Qubec north with his girlfriend actor a hreftougasmariesoleilMarieSoleil Tougasa According to police reports the directors Cessna crashed in the midst of a wind and rain squall about 160 kms southwest of the Inuit village of Kuujjuaq Lauzon was a licensed pilot with hundreds of hours of flying experience His Cessna went down and burst into flames according to witnesses in another planebrbrAlso see a hrefhttpswwwnorthernstarscainsidequebecjanuary2008 relnoopener targetblankInside Qubec January 2008abrbr
Features & TV Movies:
VR indicates Direct-to-Video Release
Un zoo la nuit (aka Night Zoo, 1987)
Léolo (1992)
Northernstars.ca is published by the Canadian Independent Visual
and Digital Media Association – A nonprofit corporation.
Toronto, Ontario, M4X 1X7
First published as Northernstars.net February 1, 1998
ISSN 2563 4895