119 minutes – Comedy
Language: French, English subtitles
Release date: July 31, 2024 (Québec)
Production company: Sphere Films
Canadian distributor: Immina Films
En 1994, Ricardo a abandonné son rêve d’être cinéaste. Un appel vient cependant raviver la flamme artistique du jeune homme dont la candidature a été retenue parmi les finalistes de l’émission La Course édition 1994-95. Sa vie change du tout au tout. À mi-chemin, alors qu’il vient de débarquer en Égypte et qu’il traverse plus d’une difficulté pour réaliser un de ses reportages, Ricardo remettra en cause un tas de choses dont sa propre nature. Est-il ou non un véritable artiste?
And so the autobiographical saga continues. From 1981 to 1987 to 1991, we now arrive at 1995 and again the story is about Ricardo. It begins one year earlier. In 1994, Ricardo was on the verge of giving up his dream of be coming a filmmaker. However, luck intervenes when he is chosen to participate in the TV show “La course”, a competition to send eight budding globetrotters to discover the world. Ricardo arrives in Cairo, Egypt, where his dream is reborn. However, he his now faced with more than one difficulty as he tries to make a short video that he neesds to deliver in record time. Ricardo begins to question a lot of things, including his own nature. Is he a real artist or not?
Find show times and cinemas on Cinemaclock.com.
Marie-Claude Poulin
Bruno Dubé
Nicole Robert
Patrick Roy
Ronan Thomas
Ricardo Trogi
Josée Vallée
Steve Asselin
Yvann Thibaudeau
Frédéric Bégin
Mathieu Lemay
Mathieu Lemay
Carmen Alie
Jean-Carl Boucher
Sandrine Bisson
Claudio Colangelo
Shadi Janho
Myriam Gaboury
Rose Adam
Mickaël Gouin
Olivier Aubin
Francis-William Rhéaume
Guillaume Gauthier
Vicky Langlais
Pierre Therrien
Pierre Girard
Jean-Michel Vidal
François Parenteau
Northernstars.ca is published by the Canadian Independent Visual
and Digital Media Association – A nonprofit corporation.
Toronto, Ontario, M4X 1X7
First published as Northernstars.net February 1, 1998
ISSN 2563 4895