87 minutes – Horror
Language: Emglish
Release date: October 10, 1975
US release date: July 6, 1976 (as They Came From Within)
Canadian Distributor: Cinépix Film Properties Inc.
US Distributor: Trans American Films
This early David Cronenberg feature has a low-rent B-movie look and feel, but he does a lot with very little. When residents of a singles lifestyle apartment building become riddled with a man-made parasite that acts as a powerful aphrodisiac and causes a deforming venereal disease they become violent and sexually aggressive. Many elements of director’s later films can be seen in this early effort. The film, one of Ivan Reitman`s early successes as a producer, established Cronenberg’s reputation for gross-out horror, and became a cult favourite.
The above still was scanned from an original in the Northernstars Collection.
John Dunning
André Link
Alfred Pariser
Robert Saad
Patrick Dodd
Erla Gliserman
Paul Hampton
Joe Silver
Lynn Lowry
Allan Migicovsky
Susan Petrie
Barbara Steele
Ronald Mlodzik
Barry Baldaro
Camil Ducharme
Hanka Posnanska
Wally Martin
Vlasta Vrana
Silvie Debois
Charles Perley
Al Rochman
Julie Wildman
Arthur Grosser
Edith Johnson
Dorothy Davis
Joy Coghill
Joan Blackman
Kirsten Bishop
Fred Doederlein
Sonny Forbes
Nora Johnson
Cathy Graham
Robert Brennen
Felicia Shulman
Roy Wittan
Denis Payne
Kevin Fenlow
David Cronenberg
Roger St. Luc
Rollo Linsky
Nurse Forsythe
Nicholas Tudor
Janine Tudor
Detective Heller
Mr. Guilbault
Mrs. Guilbault
Kresimer Sviben
Benda Sviben
Delivery Boy
Miss Lewis
Mr. Wolfe
Mona Wheatley
Elevator Mother
Elevator Daughter (as Kirsten Bishopric)
Emil Hobbes
Garbage Room Man
Laundry Woman
Bearded Man (as Roy Whittan)
First Elevator Man
Second Elevator Man
Infected Crowd Member
Northernstars.ca is published by the Canadian Independent Visual
and Digital Media Association – A nonprofit corporation.
Toronto, Ontario, M4X 1X7
First published as Northernstars.net February 1, 1998
ISSN 2563 4895