95 minutes – Documentary
Language: English
Release date: November 23, 2012
Canadian Distributor: Kinosmith
The Fruit Hunters travels across culture, history and geography to show how intertwined we are with the fruits we eat. The guides are devoted fruit fanatics. Pictured above is movie star Bill Pullman. His obsession leads him on a crusade to create a community orchard in the Hollywood Hills. Adventurers Noris Ledesma and Richard Campbell scour the jungle for rare mangos, hoping to intervene before the plants are steamrolled by industrialization. Pioneering scientist Juan Aguilar races to breed bananas resistant to a deadly fungus that threatens the worldwide crop. And fruit detectives including Isabella Dalla Ragione investigate Renaissance-era paintings for clues, hoping to rediscover lost fruits. And, of course, there are the fruits themselves, presented in all their mouthwatering glory: cherimoyas, ice cream beans, durians and more.
Trailer and poster courtesy of Kinosmith Inc.
Mila Aung-Thwin
Katherine Baulu
Bob Moore
Yung Chang
Mark Slutsky
Louisa Schabas
Bill Pullman
Noris Ledesma
Richard Campbell
Juan Aguilar
Isabella Dalla Ragione
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Toronto, Ontario, M4X 1X7
First published as Northernstars.net February 1, 1998
ISSN 2563 4895