Pierre Greco

strongPstrongierre Greco is a Canadian screenwriter and director He studied film at the University of Montreal He first made promotional advertising documentary and short films then made his debut feature film emUn petit vent de panique A Small Wind of Panicem in 2000 He turned to animation and had immediate success with the series emWem He wrote and directed more than 150 episodes of emWem and the series has been broadcast in over 40 countries His 2014 animated feature emLe Coq de StVictorem was given the Audience Award at the Festival International du Film pour Enfants de Montreal Greco teaches film at lcole des mtiers du cinma His new film emMission Katmanduem is being produced by Nancy Florence Savard who was Executive Producer behind the Qubec animated feature ema hrefhttpwwwnorthernstarscathelegendofsarilaThe Legend of Sarilaaembrbrbr

Features & TV Movies

Features & TV Movies:
VR indicates Direct-to-Video Release

Un petit vent de panique (2000)

Le Coq de St-Victor (aka Rooster Doodle-doo, 2014)
Mission Katmandu: The Adventures of Nelly & Simon (2017)

TV Series – at least 1 episode of:
W (animated, 2007-2009)

Credits as a Screenwriter:
Un petit vent de panique (2000)

Le Coq de St-Victor (aka Rooster Doodle-doo, 2014)
Mission Katmandu: The Adventures of Nelly & Simon (2017)

TV Series – at least 1 episode of:
W (animated, 2007-2009)