L’Isle-aux-Coudres, Québec
bPbierre Perrault was one of the most important filmmakers in Canada although largely unknown outside of Qubec He is credited with developing a unique cinema of speech that spoke directly about Qubec its land and its people His work has had an enormous influence on a generation of younger filmmakers Pierre Perrault studied law and went on to spend two years as a lawyer before moving to radio as an announcer He was also a poet and dramatist br br Also see a hrefhttpwwwnorthernstarscatheileauxcoudrestrilogyThe leauxCoudres TrilogyabrAlso see a hrefhttpwwwnorthernstarscahomagetopierreperraultHomage to Pierre Perraultou triste nostalgie dun pays perduabr brbr
Features & TV Movies:
VR indicates Direct-to-Video Release
Pour la suite de monde (aka, For Those Who Will Follow, 1963)
Le règne du jour (1966)
Beluga Days (1968, short, co-directed with Michel Brault, Bernard Gosselin)
Les voitures d’eau (1969)
Le beau plaisir (1969)
Un pays sans bon sens! ou Wake Up, mes bons amis (1970)
L’Acadie l’Acadie?!? (1971, co-directed with Michel Brault)
Tickets s.v.p. (1973, short)
Un royaume vous attend (1976)
Le retour à la terre (1976)
Le goût de la farine (1976)
C’était un Québecois en Bretagne, Madame! (1977)
Gens d’Abitibi (1979)
Le pays de la terre sans arbe ou le Mouchouânipi (1980)
La bête lumineuse (1982)
Les voiles bas et en travers (1983)
Ice Warrior (1996)
Northernstars.ca is published by the Canadian Independent Visual
and Digital Media Association – A nonprofit corporation.
Toronto, Ontario, M4X 1X7
First published as Northernstars.net February 1, 1998
ISSN 2563 4895