Raymonde Provencher

Raymonde Provencher a graduate in political science is known for her commitment to uncovering stories about human rights and social injustice issues throughout the world She began to devote most of her time to scriptwriting and directing in 2000 She worked on the series emExtremisem where she explored child labour in the Philippines with the film emLost Childhoodem 2000 Her 2002 film emWar Babiesem about children born to victims of wartime rape won four Gmeaux Awards and the Audience Award at the Hot Docs Festival In 1983 she was part of a small group that set up the NordSud program at TlQubec In 1995 she cofounded Macumba International This is a list of her credits as a Director of documentary films brbrAlso see a hrefhttpswwwnorthernstarscahotdocshonoursraymondeprovencherHot Docs Honours Raymonde Provencherabrbr

Features & TV Movies

Features & TV Movies:
VR indicates Direct-to-Video Release

eXtremis : L’enfance assassinée (2000)
eXtremis: La planète ravagée (2001)
War Babies… nés de la haine (2002)
eXtremis: Partir ou mourir (2005)
Une nouvelle vie pour Ramon Mercedes (2007)
Le déshonneur des Casques bleus (aka, Blue Helmets: Peace and Dishonour, 2007)
Une mort insensée (aka, Senseless Death, 2008)
Grace, Milly, Lucy…des fillettes soldates (2009)

Ces crimes sans honneur (2012)
Café Désirs (2015)
Torn Apart (2017)