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We Need Your Help, logo, image,

Help Keep Northernstars Online

(June 11, 2024 – Toronto, ON) On February 1, 2023, marked the completion of 25 years online, more than 9,000 editions of our website. Earlier this month, we launched a brand new website in our 27th year online. We’d love to make it to 30. We’d love to make it far beyond 30. We believe we have given you a better website, but we’d like to do more. More content from film journalists across Canada, more exclusive video interviews, more reviews, more news.

But that takes money. You may have noticed this newest version of Northernstars™ is ad-free. That’s why we need your help.

There are three inexpensive ways to support what many in the industry refer to as a Canadian Cultural Institution. Our Growth Fund will allow us to add more contributors and one day a full-time paid Managing Editor. On our Growth Fund page, you can opt to support our Production Fund which goes toward the development and recording of video interviews with Canadian filmmakers both behind and in front of the cameras.

And, as of June 2024 you can become a Member, by supporting with just 1 dollar a month (billed annually).  

We’re sure you’ve heard that expression, “every little bit helps.” It’s not only true, but vital. Without your support we just can’t do this. 

A very sincere Thank You from everyone at Northernstars™.