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David Christensen

bDbavid Christensen is a producerdirectorwriter Recent documentary productions of his include The Breath of God about bible translation Writing Icons about modern day icon painters and a 90 minute documentary about the Bhopal gas disaster called iThe Heart Becomes Quieti His 2005 documentary emWar Hospitalem is a 90 minute feature film about the worlds biggest field hospital that he codirected and cowrote with Damien Lewis for the National Film Board His short dramatic film FIT premiered at the 1999 Toronto International Film Festival and in 2001 he produced iSolitudei a 35mm feature film starring a hrefbluteaulothaireLothaire Bluteaua emBlack Robe Jesus of Montrealem that was invited to the 2001 Montreal World Film Festival and the 2001 Vancouver Film Festival among others In 2003 Christensen produced iThe Girl Who Married a Ghosti a 35mm feature film based on a West Coast Nisqually legend He is an Executive Producer at the National Film Board of Canada where he oversees a slate of documentary interactive and animation productions made nationally and internationally Christensen manages the North West Centre one of the NFBs six English language studios located across Canadabrbrbr

Features & TV Movies

Features & TV Movies:
VR indicates Direct-to-Video Release

FIT (1999, short)

War Hospital (2005, documentary, co-directed)
Six Figures (2005)
The Mirror (2009)

Credits as a Screenwriter:
FIT (1999, short)

War Hospital (2005, documentary, co-writer)
Six Figures (2005)
The Mirror (2009)

Credits as a Producer:
FIT (1999)

The Girl Who Married a Ghost (2003)
Six Figures (2005)